Chapter 006: To Trump Or Not To Trump


"Standing on the shores of the sea of sleep

You're fully determined to dive in real deep

Without ever knowing whether you'll surface



The answers are always there in your dreams

Hidden in the depths on the ocean floor

But the water just gets muddier it seems

And when you wake you'll know less than before"


     The music died with a mighty crash. I sighed and started looking around for a cd that I hadn't heard yet. Upon doing so I encountered Adrian's tortured stare. After breakfast he had lain down again, only to find Lush cuddling close to him again. She immediately fell asleep, but Adrian seemed to have some troubles with my taste in music. I tried to keep it down a bit, but there are some kinds of music that you just have to play loud. On the other hand I couldn't see why he should object to my pastimes when both Lush and Martin had no trouble sleeping through it all. Maybe that was part of the problem; he just couldn't rise without disturbing Lush and our noble knight clearly didn't want to do that. So he just lay there, unable to sleep while I went through Martin's collection. Since Vincent, Alex and Murlas had all left on personal business, I could have my own way. Fortunately Martin had a wide range of cd's, from jazz to hardcore, so I wasn't bored for a minute.

     While listening to the music I played some mental games with Wylde. One of us would conjure up a mental picture to go with the song that was playing at that moment and the we'd both start adding and subtracting things as the song went on, thus making our own videoclips, so to speak. It was enjoyable pastime and about the only one available to me. I had no wish to go wandering through Angel City again and sadly going to other Shadows for my pleasure was out of the question, because of the time-flow in this Shadow. So there was nothing to do but wait until it was time to meet Adrian's fishing friend.

     I tried to keep busy playing Martin's cd's, so as to keep myself from thinking about Suzanne. When Lush woke again (with a slight hangover, so I turned the music down again) Adrian saw his opportunity: he rose quickly and went out too. Besides that and me making myself an omelet nothing much happened during the day until early in the evening, when Adrian, Alex and Murlas returned and Martin finally woke up. He immediately ordered some pizzas to be delivered for our dinner and after a short time we were munching on some pieces of pastry with artificial tomato, cheese and other flavouring. Murlas and Adrian had cleared the table, as far as that was possible, and made a show of eating their pizzas with knives and forks. I thougt they were giving their food too much credit. The way in which Murlas handled his knife sent a shiver down my spine though. I got the feeling he was quite used to handling knives, and not only for cutting food!

     While we ate we discussed our plans for that evening. The fisher hadn't given Adrian a time for our meeting, so we agreed that midnight would be a good time as any to start our mission. Vincent hadn't returned yet and, when asked, the others told me they hadn't seen him since he had left. When there was still no sign of him at 10 o'clock we became slightly worried, but we decided to wait another hour before starting to look for him. An hour came and went and still no Vincent. Finally Adrian took out his Trumps and tried reaching him, but he couldn't make contact, no matter how hard he tried. When he noticed Adrian's efforts were wasted Murlas decided to try it himself. He concentrated very hard and apparently he made contact. I saw him frown and then extend his right hand forward without saying a word. To our general shock and surprise his hand started turning black before our eyes! Meanwhile Murlas kept on  concentrating very hard, sweat pouring from his brow.

     I looked around at the others, but they were as alarmed and mystified as I was. I didn't know what was happening, but that hand didn't look good, especially since the darkness seemed to be spreading to his wrist and lower arm. Yet Murlas didn't seem to notice it and he kept on maintaining his contact, despite the apparent effort it required. Or was he fighting to break the contact? I couldn't tell. The only thing that was clear to us was that he was in trouble.

     "Isn't there anything we can do to help him?" Alex asked, looking at me.  "I don't know. Maybe there is a way," I replied. Why did he ask me though, and not one of the others? I still don't know what makes people put that much trust in me.

     Anyway, I tried the only course of action that I could dream up at that moment and started concentrating on the Pattern. Looking through the Pattern lens was certainly clarifying, but it also gave me quite a shock, for now I could see the...thing that Murlas had contacted. It looked like a big swirling black cloud, which was slowly working its way further along his lower arm. There was a great feeling of power emanating from the cloud and it was clear that Murlas could do nothing but struggle to stay out of its grasp.

     Suddenly I got a warning from Wylde. To my surprise it wasn't the ominous black cloud that made her warn me, but Murlas himself. This stopped me from doing anything for a couple of seconds. Alright, Murlas looks pretty scary and I had had a few indications that he might be able to live up to his image, but this was the first sign that there was really something nasty about him, something that might cause me harm in the future. And most importantly, up to this point Wylde's warnings had always proven to be correct...

     As I stood there more or less frozen on the spot Alex decided to act. He quickly grabbed a piece of cloth and threw it over the Trump in Murlas' hand. His gamble worked: I saw that his intervention gave both Murlas and the black cloud quite a shock and that it also lessened the contact between them to the extend that Murlas was able to pull himself free. In a matter of a second the image of the black cloud had dwindled off into nothingness. Murlas fell to the ground, overwhelmed by the pain from his hand which was a horrible lump of charred black flesh. Alex immediately kneeled by his side to examine his wounds. When he looked up his face was grim.

     "We need to get him to a hospital," he said. "There's no way I can treat those burns here."

     "I know one nearby," said Martin, "a private hospital, where there'll be no awkward questions."

     Together they guided Murlas, who was still in a state of shock, to the door, leaving Adrian, Lush and me behind. Adrian went to comfort Lush, believing she might be upset by the strange things that had been happening, but she appeared to be quite unperturbed by it all.

     "Well, he had it coming, that freak," was her reaction.

     Meanwhile, I took some time to consider everything that had happened. It was clear that Vincent was in trouble, but what kind of trouble? If that black cloud had got hold of him, I'd say the chances of him still being alive were either slim or nill, judging from the remains of Murlas' hand. On the other hand that cloud might just be a tool, placed as a sentinel between Vincent and the person who would try to Trump him (if such a thing could be possible). In that case he might still be alive, but imprisoned somewhere. The only thing that was certain was that he hadn't had enough time to contact one of us.

     Or had he not even tried to contact us? It suddenly occurred to me that there was really very little that we knew about Vincent. Could it be that he wasn't who he appeared to be? That he had set this black cloud himself, as a trap for those who would try to contact him? But if that were so, then why had he chosen to leave us at this moment? Certainly we had not discovered anything of value yet, or had we?

     Hold it, hold it, I told myself, you are becoming too paranoid for your own good. Okay, I didn't know very much about Vincent, but neither did I know much about the others. I also remembered that Fiona seemed to trust Vincent and she always is quite keen in her judgement. Thinking about Fiona, I felt it might be a good idea to contact her and tell her about Vincent. Perhaps she might be able to help. I searched through my Trumps until I found my red haired Aunt. But alas, she appeared to be busy; I just couldn't reach her. Perhaps later...

     As I put my Trumps away again Wylde climbed onto my lap and began washing herself.

     "Why the warning just then?" I asked her. "Didn't you see that Murlas was the one in danger, not the danger itself?"

     "I just sensed something bad coming from him," she replied with a bit of indignation in her tone.

     "Hey sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I thought that that black cloud was the real cause for alarm."

     She looked up from her work with a questioning look in her eyes. Of course! She hadn't seen the thing that Murlas had been in contact with. I quickly gave her a mental replay of the things that I had seen.

     "Hmm. I must have felt the danger coming from the Trump contact, and not from Murlas himself. All the same, I don't trust that one, Dorian. I still think you should be wary in his company."

     "Well, I don't know whether you're right about him. I don't like him too much either, but we are supposed to work together on this, so I will have to trust him up to a certain point. We'll just have to wait and see."

     Wylde went back to the business of getting herself clean while I sat there thinking. Damn! I suddenly remembered that we had no way of contacting the others, save by Murlas' Trump, and I had a feeling that that wasn't going to work at the moment. And we also didn't know to which hospital they'd taken him, so again there was nothing we could do but wait.

     It wasn't until one o'clock that Alex finally contacted me by Trump. He told me that the doctors were operating on Murlas. The operation would probably take the rest of the night though, and he was wondering what our plans were. Would we try to sneak into the Myrone building without Murlas and Vincent or would we wait until another night? It was something I had already been musing on, but I told him I needed to discuss it with Adrian first. Alex agreed and told me he would contact me again in half an hour.

     I told the news to Adrian and we more or less immediately agreed that we would go on with the plan. Waiting another night would give our opponents more time to find us again and we didn't relish the idea of yet another assassination attempt. Who knows, this time they just might decide to use some more drastic measures...

     While waiting for Alex to call again I once more tried to reach Fiona, but still no success. Meanwhile Adrian had decided that he should take care of Lush in some way. She wasn't too pleased to learn that he would leave her, but there just wasn't any way that we could take her with us. Adrian gave her one of his Ingramm machinepistols to protect herself with and to our surprise she proved already quite skilled in the use of such weaponry, reloading it as if it were one of her daily tasks. Adrian warned her not to let anyone other than us into the apartment. 

     Precisely thirty minutes after his first contact Alex called again. I told him about our decision and he also felt we shouldn't delay our plans. We met him and Martin under the bridge where Adrian had met that old man. He was already there, fishing again. Adrian had a short chat with him after which the old man consented in taking him into the sewers. We agreed that Adrian would try to reach us once he was inside.

     Soon Adrian, the old man and the boat were out of sight, with the splashes of the paddles slowly fading away. We waited a while in silence until I felt the beginning of a Trump contact. I opened my mind and was quite surprised to see Aunt Fiona instead of Adrian.

     "Ah, Dorian. I believe you have been trying to reach me?"

     "Yes, I have. We're right in the middle of something here, so I'll just keep it short: Vincent has disappeared."

     I quickly told her about the black cloud and Murlas' hand. To my surprise she didn't seem very concerned, or at least if she was she didn't show it.

     "I can't promise anything," she said, "but I'll look into it if I have the time."

     "Alright, thank you. I'll call again when it's more convenient for both of us."

     "Take care," she said and she was gone.

     Immediately after we had broken contact I felt another Trump call coming. This time it was Adrian. He had reached the entrance to the Myrone building and urged us to come through. I observed however that he was still standing in the boat with the old man; a boat that could carry only two people. I got the feeling that Adrian didn't like the idea of entering the building alone. I solved our problem by suggesting that I'd call him back with his Trump and that we'd stay with him while he went on. Then, as soon as he had reached a safe spot, we would Trump through. And if he were to run into any trouble we could whisk him away at a moment's notice. He was somewhat relieved and a few seconds later I watched him climb a number of metal rungs up to a heavy metal lid. This was no problem for Adrian however and he soon found himself in a dark basement. He quickly checked it out, but he found that the coast was clear. Apparently they really weren't expecting anyone using this entrance. Alex and Martin clasped my shoulder as I reached out to the image of Adrian and stepped forward.

     As soon as we were there Alex was moving, double-checking everything. I saw that this basement was used as a storage area and it didn't look like a place where many people came regularly. I put Adrian's Trump with the others again, but before putting them all away I found one of my Trumps for Amber and hid it in my left sleeve, for I suddenly had the feeling that we might need a way of escaping very quickly. Amber's Trump seemed a safe choice; I couldn't imagine that one not working.

     Meanwhile Alex had checked out the door and after rummaging through some boxes in a corner he came back with a small device which produced a small plastic security-card. He entered this card in a slot beside the door and to my surprise the door opened. A satisfied grin flickered across his face, then was gone. Without wasting too much time he explained that he had used this convenient device to encode the card in precisely the right way. He would probably be able to produce such cards for most of the security devices in the building. How very convenient...

     With Alex in the lead we entered a long corridor with concrete walls. Stealthily we went on till we came to another door. Alex quickly put the camera hanging above it out of order and with yet another card he opened the door. His performance made me feel a bit redundant though. Besides his experience in security matters I already knew that both he and his brother were my betters in combat situations. Perhaps I should just focus on the things that I seemed to be good at. A couple of seconds of concentration and I got the Pattern lens hanging before my eyes. Not that I really expected to see very much with it, but this way at least I had the feeling that I was making myself useful.

     You can understand my surprise however, when further along the corridor I suddenly caught some traces of magical power! I tried to focus on them, but I just couldn't tell their origin, nor where they were leading to. I got the feeling though that I might find some answers on some floors higher in the building.

     "I'm sorry, Martin," I said, "but I was just wondering. Is magic supposed to be common in this Shadow?"

     "No, not really," he answered. "As you probably can tell, technology has a tendency to dominate here."

     "That's what I thought. However, that changes nothing about the fact that I'm picking up the traces of some magic power here. It's faint, but I'm quite sure it's there."

     My announcement stopped the others in their tracks. However, before they had a chance to ask me anything, I suddenly felt the beginning of a Trump call. Curious as to who it could be I opened my mind, only to get what was probably the worst fright of my life up till then: I saw the swirling growing shape of the black cloud rushing towards me!

     Fortunately the fear didn't paralyse me; I immediately broke off the contact before it really had been established and concentrated with all my might on keeping that thing out. I felt some pressure for a couple of seconds, but then it ebbed away. Under the concerned scrutinies of my three companions I wiped the sweat from my brow. There was to be no rest for this Amberite though, for again I felt the pressure of a Trump call building. At that point I was taking no chances: I blocked it with all my power. It persisted for a few seconds, then died away, then started again. Someone was really out to get me! In between calls I did have enough time to tell the others what was happening. Finally after the fourth or fifth attempt the calls stopped. I heaved a sigh of relief. Whatever that cloud was, I had proven stronger than it was, or at least strong enough to keep it out.

     I heard Adrian gasp beside me. I looked up and saw that his face was tense. I gathered that someone was now trying to reach him instead of me, and that he was also blocking the contact, chances being it was the same person/thing. Whoever it was, he proved as persistent as the one that had tried to reach me. But it seemed that Adrian had some brains as well as muscles, for he also managed to keep the stranger out.

     While Adrian was busy I had had a few moments to wonder about how that black cloud had been able to Trump me. The first possible answer that occurred to me were Vincent's Trumps. If he had been imprisoned or killed (or if he was in fact the mastermind behind this whole black cloud business) the cloud could, if sentient, use his Trumps, or, if not, it could probably be directed through the Trump contact by someone else. Considering this possibility one had to assume however that the black cloud that had tried to reach me was the same as the one that had tried to capture Murlas earlier tonight. I didn't like the thought of there being more than one black cloud very much, but it was another possibility, and I needed to consider it as such. It seemed both an unlikely and frightening thought, but maybe the cloud itself contained some form of Trump power, so that it wouldn't need any Trumps to focus on a person. If this were so, why had it focussed on me? What had I done to attract its attention?

     I was shaken from my reveries by the sudden appearance of Murlas. Apparently Alex had decided to check whether he was still under operation and to make sure the black cloud hadn't got hold of him, only to find that he was already up and out of the hospital. He still looked very weak though and also somewhat pissed off. The reason for that quickly became clear: he now sported an artificial right hand. While he was under sedation the doctors must have reasoned that amputation was the best solution, not knowing about the regenerative abilities of an Amberite. This left Murlas with a bit of a problem though, for this new cyber-hand probably wouldn't work in low-tech shadows. Given enough time his body would grow a new hand, but the question was: how much is enough?

     "What do you think you were doing?" he said with a glare of annoyance at me and Adrian. "I have been trying to reach you for a couple of minutes, but you just keep blocking the contact."

     I felt a shiver running down my spine. He had been trying to contact us all that time and I had seen that black cloud! Coincidence? I didn't think so. I may not be as paranoid as many of my elders, but I don't put much faith in coincidences. Besides, Wylde had warned me about Murlas...

     Alex and Adrian weren't aware of my suspicions and explained to him what had happened, which seemed to pacify him a little. I decided it was better to keep a close eye on him and wait till he truly showed signs of being untrustworthy before acting. To change the subject I told him of the traces of magic I had seen. We both brought up the Pattern lens (mine had slipped when I was concentrating on keeping the cloud out) and he nodded. He saw it too, but he also didn't know what to make of it. He said he was too weary to keep the lens up for very long, but I felt fit enough to keep mine up, so I could keep an eye on those traces...and on him as well!

     We went on and after a couple of minutes Alex led us to a stair-well. We reasoned that the most probable place for useful information and important people was the top floor, but as we climbed the stairs I felt the magical traces grow fainter and fainter. Wherever they were coming from, it was in all likelihood near the ground floor. I didn't remark on it though; there would always be time to go back and check it out. The important thing right now was finding the guy who was in charge here and get some answers.

     The twentieth floor looked a lot better than the basement: expensive fitted carpets lay throughout the corridors and on the walls no money had been spared either. Here and there there even hung some paintings, which didn't look like reproductions to me. As we passed a window Murlas looked outside; he reported that Fox' car was still in the parking-lot. Hmm, that at least was one guy whom I would like to ask some questions to. Meanwhile Alex had checked some of the doors in the corridor and he had found that all save one were locked. Also, the security system on these doors was a lot better than on those in the basement, meaning that he wasn't able to make any cards for them. We were ready to try the one door that wasn't locked, when we heard a female voice coming through it from the room beyond. Apparently she was on the phone with someone, cause we could hear no other voices. She was quite annoyed it seemed; she kept saying that the other person should try it himself (or herself; that didn't become clear to us) if he thought that he could do better. We waited and listened for a few moments and slowly I got the feeling that this lady was talking about the failed attempt on our lives last night and that she was in fact the brown haired girl with the machinegun, whom the old fisherman had identified as Lisa. Another person for our interrogation hour.

     Finally we heard her end her conversation and immediately Adrian kicked in the door and rushed inside, closely followed by his brother. I hung back, along with Murlas and Martin, but I got a more or less clear view of the spacious and luxurious office. I caught a glimpse of a female figure quickly slipping out of the room via another door at the other side, which she slammed shut behind her. Adrian fired a salvo at the door, thus providing cover for Alex, who stealthily moved forward. When he had reached the door he grabbed a chair and bashed it open. Immediately a shot rang out, but it was way off mark. Still, it was clear that moving into the doorway was nothing short of an act of suicide. Through the door we could now hear the sound of an elevator approaching. Damn! There seemed to be no way to stop her from getting away. 

     The elevator stopped and shortly after we began hearing strange noises; noises that couldn't possibly come from any human being. Alex fired a few shots through the doorway, but he then put his gun away and grabbed his claymore, apparently feeling that this was a more appropriate weapon. The sound came nearer and nearer and I felt the tension building inside me. What in Angel City were we up against?

     Wylde's sudden warning jolted me a little, but I managed to duck just in time, as a sort of laserbeam or heatray shot out from the doorway, slicing through everything that it touched. Seeing this the brothers thought it best to retreat. There's not much you can do to defend yourself from such a weapon. Yet we all were curious what manner of creature or machine was after us, so we waited in the doorway, ready to turn and run should the thing fire again. Slowly it drifted into view. Picturing the thing again I still can think of no better way to describe it but as a sort of big, floating fur coat with eyes. It probably was some sort of droid with an antigravity propulsion mechanism, but it seemed a bit too advanced to be in this Shadow. I began to get the feeling that someone in the opposition had some power over Shadow.

     There was no time to think about that now, for with a greater speed than I thought it could manage the thing began to turn in our direction, meanwhile firing its beam again. We ran, with the thing in hot pursuit. We reached the stairs and taking two or three steps at a time we went down till we came to the eighteenth floor. There Alex threw open the door and rushed into the corridor.

     "Go on!" he shouted. "Split up! No point in it catching us all together!"

     There was no time to argue. I just hoped that he knew what he was doing. Running and leaping we went further down the stairs. One by one the others ran off until I was the only one left besides Wylde. I paused and listened for a moment, but found that I couldn't hear the droid anymore. I figured that it must have gone after one of the others, and I wished whoever was the target lots of luck. He was going to need it!

     Okay, I was safe for the moment. So where did I go from here? I didn't remember who had left at which floor and I wasn't prepared to return and search for them. I might run into the droid and frankly I didn't think I would be able to survive such an encounter. I could of course try to reach Adrian or Murlas by Trump, but after my recent experiences with Trump contacts I was beginning to become little more careful. Don't use them when it's not necessary, that was my new credo. Besides, I might just reach them in the middle of combat with that droid, which would only help to distact them with possible fatal consequences. 

     It occurred to me that it might be useful to check out the point where those traces of magic had seemed stronger. In the light of a possible involvement of someone with power over Shadow I felt those traces had become more important. So downstairs I went to the ground floor, once again with the Pattern floating before my eyes. I quickly picked up the traces and followed them through the corridors. At one point my feelings told me to take a left turn, but as I did I bumped into a very solid concrete wall. I stood there for a few seconds looking very puzzled, for the magical traces seemed to be leading right through the wall. I tried to picture the lay-out of the building. Yes, of course! On this spot there should be an entrance to the elevator from which the floating droid had emerged. I started scrutinizing the wall inch by inch but I just couldn't find a way in. Damn! I was certain I was on the right track here.

     I was startled by the sudden appearance of Adrian beside me. He asked me whether I'd found anything and I told him of the traces and the elevator. He checked the wall too, but he couldn't find a way in either.

     "The fur coat apparently went after my brother," he told me. "When I noticed it wasn't following us I went back to help him, if that were necessary of course. The lab on the eighteenth floor was completely smashed to pieces, but I could find no trace of either Alexander or that fur thing. I don't know what happened to them, but I talked with Murlas and he seemed to think Alexander would be alright. He said I'd better take out all the guards that I ran into, so that's what I've been doing."

     I didn't like his measure of trust in Murlas, but I wasn't going to discuss it just then. Suddenly he tensed. A Trump call. I touched his shoulder and saw the smiling countenance of Murlas. Talk of the devil...

     "Ah, you're together. Good. Listen, I've taken the elevator from the top floor and I've discovered a very interesting laboratory down here. I think you should come over and investigate."

     I noticed Martin walking up to us and beckoned him to come nearer. I had no choice but trust Murlas in this, but if he were to betray us I'd like to have as many people with me as possible. Together we took a step forward and then we stood beside him in the elavator. He signalled us to keep still while he opened the doors. There was indeed a lab behind them and I immediately saw what Murlas had found so interesting: against a wall on the other side of the room there stood, in various stages of assembly, several of those golems we had battled in that red desert Shadow. Alright, now we knew for certain that there was someone involved with Shadow powers.

     While I was trying to figure out the full implications of this discovery, Adrian was more interested in the lone man in a white lab-coat working alone at a computer. He sneaked up behind him and quickly grabbed him away from his keyboard. The man took one frightened look at Adrian and then fainted. Adrian looked a bit surprised at the limp body in his hands and I nearly laughed, but I suddenly got a creepy feeling, which grew stronger by the second. When Wylde also started to warn me that something VERY, VERY BAD was going to happen I didn't hesitate. I plucked the Amber Trump from my sleeve and held it in front of me.

     "Heads up everybody," I shouted, "something bad is coming down and I'm getting out of here right now. Those who would like to come along, get over here while you still can."

     It was very satisfying that they wasted no time questioning me, but ran to my side as quickly as possible. I started concentrating and as soon as I had contact I moved forward. The others were quite surprised to find themselves in the great hall of Castle Amber. I explained that I had thought this to be the safest escape route and they reluctantly agreed. Martin however was quite anxious to get back to Angel City, and both Adrian and Murlas wanted to go back as well.

     "Remember the time-flow," Martin said. "Every minute here in Amber counts as several over there."

     Under the surprised gazes of some servants we rushed after him to the stables. With some fresh horses we rode out of Amber again and as soon as we had reached Arden Martin started shifting our way back to Angel City. So this what they meant by hellriding. Well, it certainly wasn't heaven, but at least I didn't have to concentrate on the shifting. It gave me some time to think, especially when we reached a Shadow with the right level of technology for us to trade in our horses for a car. 

     In the backseat I let my mind wander while staring out at the everchanging scenery. The presence of those golems in the Myrone building had somehow linked them with the Black Trump business, but I still felt a couple of pieces short of the whole jigsaw puzzle. I also began wondering whether this thing had anything to do with the things we had been sent to investigate. As yet there were no visible connections. Maybe it really had nothing to do with us; that is us as a group. For it occurred to me that we had come to both the desert Shadow with the golems and Angel City under Murlas' guidance. I vaguely remembered Aunt Fiona saying something to the extend that the Shadows one would encounter while shifting were in no small degree dependent on the person who was doing the shifting. So maybe we had just found these places because they were in some way important to Murlas. He was the one carrying the Black Trump around. And he had also been the one who had found the thing, although I had been there too. But maybe that had just been coincidence.

     Wait a minute. Didn't I say somewhere that I didn't really believe in coincidence? Aww, nothing seemed to be certain anymore. This whole thing seemed so complex, with so many of the answers still waiting to be found. Maybe I was just becoming too paranoid towards Murlas. After all, if you were to look at it in a purely objective way he hadn't really done anything that might warrant my distrust. It was just that he gave me this feeling...

     I closed my eyes and tried not to think too much during the last part of the journey. Unfortunately sleep is out of the question on a Hellride. Finally, after what had seemed as half a day to me, we were back on the streets of Angel City once more. Martin drove us straight to the Myrone building, but we found it had been destroyed, probably in a fire. Judging from the ruins this had already happened more than a few days ago.

     Back at Martin's apartment Adrian went to look for Lush, but she had left without a note. He said he thought that he knew where to find her and that he would be back in a short while. Meanwhile Martin had found us a newspaper which told us that nearly two weeks had passed while we were away. I noticed an article on the fire in the Myrone building. The authorities still didn't know what had caused the explosion that had brought on the fire. I learned that there had been several casualties, but there were still a few people missing, among them the directors Mr. Robert Fox and Miss Elizabeth Feldrake. Well, at least now we knew their full names.

     I decided to get some sleep while we were waiting for Adrian to return. Before dozing off I wondered what had happened to Alexander. We hadn't heard from him since the encounter with the furry droid thing and we had no way to contact him ourselves. I hoped he was alright. With him and Vincent gone this was beginning to look more and more like the Ten Little Niggers...

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