Chapter 005: Angelcity Nightlife


"If you should go skating

On the thin ice of modern life

Dragging behind you the silent reproach

Of a million tear stained eyes

Don't be surprised when a crack in the ice

Appears under your feet

You slip out of your depth and out of your mind

With your fear flowing out behind you

As you claw the thin ice"  

      These lines just kept running through my head. We had made our way back to the apartment and were currently munching our way through the pile of junkfood that Martin had ordered. No haute cuisine, but just plain good filler stuff. Meanwhile we were again going over our options and again we reached the conclusion that we would need to split up if we were to investigate all our leads. Perhaps that's what was bothering me; I just didn't relish the idea of venturing onto the unfamiliar and hostile streets of Angel City on my own. Somehow I could already feel the crack appearing under my feet.

     "You're worrying too much," Wylde told me, and she sent me a mental picture of me as a scaredy cat, jumping at shadows and afraid to venture from his spot. I smiled and completed her picture with the image of the brave and strong Wyldie cat, boldly leading me into unfamiliar territory. She grinned as if she was the Cheshire cat himself and began nosing through the empty hamburger-wrappers looking for some edible remains.

     Okay, if we had to split up I might as well see which task was best suited for me. Checking out the guy whose hand had been chopped off seemed more like a job for Martin, since it would require at least some contacts in this Shadow. The second job, investigating the Myrone Corporation, also didn't seem to be the one for me, not in the last place because I just wouldn't have a clue about what to do, taking into account my almost nonexistent knowledge of big corporations and their security systems.

     What remained were the two corpses of Martin's attackers. Hmm, yes, that would be a relatively safe occupation, I felt. After all what could go wrong? We would just have to go round the mortuary and see whether anyone had claimed the bodies or find some other clue that would lead us to their employer. I told the others that I thought this would be an appropriate task for me and Adrian said he would like to come along. Vincent would tag along with Martin on his tour round the local informers and Murlas and Alex would take a trip to the Myrone estate.

     We agreed we would all come back here at Martin's apartment when we were done. Martin didn't have any spare keys, but he said we either could wait on his doorstep or use our ingenuity to open the door in such a way that would leave the lock more or less intact. He warned Alex and Murlas to be careful at the Myrone Corporation and not to try anything rash. He gave us directions to the morgue on 141 street and he also remembered the names of the two thugs from their ID's: Farn and Torrell. With some words of goodbye and good luck we finally split up.

     As we again hit the cold and damp streets of Angel City Adrian asked me a question that seemed to have been bothering him for some time now. He had noticed that he didn't have a Trump of his brother and he was wondering whether I had one. He seemed to think that Alex may purposely not have given him a copy, which again made me wonder about the relationship of these two brothers. I had also noticed that I didn't have Alex's Trump, but I had assumed that he didn't have one himself and I said so to Adrian. And with all the trouble with Algo and the murder we just hadn't had any time to have one made of him. Adrian wasn't entirely convinced; he felt that since there was a Trump of him, there should be one of his brother too. I felt he just was being just a bit too suspicious and by now I really would like to know the cause of these feelings of distrust between the brothers, but now was not the time.

     I quickly changed the subject to the job at hand. I suggested we would act like friends of the deceased from a distant city who had only recently learned about their tragic deaths. Adrian liked the idea and with this new strength of purpose we walked the short distance to the morgue, only to be unpleasantly surprised, for they were closed. A notice at the door read: "opening hours: 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00". Damn! When we had left Martin's apartment it had been a little before 22:00. I had just expected the morgue to be open at this hour, especially since I had a feeling this would be the time of the day that most of the customers would be arriving.

     We were just standing there, Adrian and I, looking a bit lost, and we were already discussing burglary as a possibility (although personally I wasn't too keen on that course of action), when after a couple of minutes we finally noticed the doorbell. What the hell, let's give it a try! I rang the bell and after a while a small panel in the door was opened and the face of an old woman (probably the caretaker) appeared. She looked us up and down with an unfriendly expression. 

     "Well, what d'ya want? Can't ya tell we're closed?"

     "We're so sorry to disturb you," I answered, trying my best to be as courteous as possible, "but we would like some information and we're in a bit of a hurry."

     "Nobody is in much of a hurry here," she snorted disdainfully. "But what d'ya wanna know?"

     "Well, we had heard that two late friends of ours had been brought here and as soon as we heard the news we rushed to this city to find out whether it was really them. However we have to leave again tonight, so we have very little time."

     As I told her this I could see she wasn't impressed by my story. In fact I don't think she believed me at all.

     "I can't let just anyone in at this hour. Haven't ya got a badge or some ID's or papers or something?"

     I glanced at Adrian and then dug in my pockets. Martin had given us all some local currency and the way the woman had stressed the papers or something had given me the idea that bribery would be worth a try; I already had the feeling it was quite common practice in this Shadow. And indeed, she seemed more than satisfied with the $100 bill I gave her. She unlocked the door and let us in. I gave her the two names and after looking them up in the computer she led us to residents #212 and #213.

     Well, they weren't much to look at: two naked, frozen bodies, one with a broken neck and the other with a couple of knife-wounds. I asked the old woman whether anyone else had been here to see these two, like family or the police, but she said we were the first to show up. According to her the police had more important things on their minds than investigating the two bodies of some smalltime crooks.

     I inquired if we might have a look a their belongings, but she said that was highly illegal. However, another $100 from Adrian helped to bend her sense of legality somewhat. Sadly there weren't very much useful things to be found: a pile of clothes and a cheap watch for both of them. The only things that seemed to be worthwile were the ID's which also mentioned the adresses of the two victims. We couldn't be certain that these weren't fake, but we could at least check it out; if they were true we might find some information there. I memorised both adresses since the caretaker wouldn't let us take us anything with us (at least, not without further payment). We left the morgue and I first did a little shifting, turning the money I had taken with me from Amber into local currency. If we had to do any more bribing tonight we would need a little more than what Martin had given us.

     We started walking but of course we didn't have the faintest idea where to find 38 and 51 street. We checked the streets at some crossroads, but we just couldn't discern any logical pattern. The town planners in this Shadow must have designed Angel City during a night of drunken revelry. A solution presented itself in the form of taxis rushing by. Well, it would have been a solution, if they just would stop when you signalled them to. They didn't even slow down when they saw us! After the fifth taxi had ignored my outstretched hand I got the uneasy feeling that someone was watching us. I didn't want any trouble and urged Adrian to move along.

     As we walked on down the street we suddenly noticed a non-moving taxi standing in an alley. We ran towards it before it could drive away, only to discover that this taxi wasn't going anywhere, since the driver had been killed. Adrian asked me whether I knew how to drive and I told him yes, but that wasn't of any use since we still didn't know where to find those two adresses. We were just figuring out what to do, when we heard the sound of police-sirens rapidly closing in. Before we knew it several cars had pulled into the alley and someone shouted that we were under arrest.

     That wasn't supposed to be in the script! With a quick glance at each other Adrian and I both started running away, further into the dark alley, with some bullets flying over our heads. To our surprise however, the police made no show of following us. And perhaps our course of action had been a little too hasty; there was barely any light in the alley and I got a very creepy feeling. Wylde was also very nervous and she stayed very close to me. Suddenly I almost slipped as I stepped into something soft. Looking down I could barely make out the remains of a human body, which, judging from the state of decay it was in, had already been here for quite some time now. We heard the sounds of rats scuttling nearby, which made us all more nervous, even Wylde! As I took out my gun I saw that Adrian had already done the same. Then I started running as fast as I could until I reached the other end of the alley, not really caring whether the police would be waiting for us there or not. Adrian started after me and I soon had some difficulty keeping up with him. Wylde was a small dark shape at my side and at the same time a reassuring presence in my mind.

     Luckily we reached the other side unharmed. The police wasn't waiting for us (perhaps they didn't think we were that important or they hadn't thought we would be able to make our way through the alley) and we quickly hid our guns again. We found ourselves on a brightly lit street with lots of shops, most of them closed at this hour. Looking around we suddenly saw a taxi stopping before a sandwich-shop. The driver jumped out and rushed into the shop to get some food. Determined not to miss a chance like this we quickly walked to the car and found us a place in the backseat. When the driver returned he didn't seem to mind very much. The only thing he did was immediately start the meter running. He first finished his sandwich however, before taking us to Farn's apartment on 38 street. Ah well, it's only money...

     The ride to the apartment was an adventure in itself. Handling his cab like it was a Formula 1 racing-car the driver just ignored all red lights, as did all the other cars (or so it seemed). It was a miracle that he managed to get us to our destination in one piece. He asked us $42 for this reckless ride and I tipped him $3 just because I felt so happy from still being alive.

     A look around told us that 38 street was a little lower on the social ladder than the neighbourhood where Martin lived. The prime indicator was the higher number of tramps lying on the sidewalks (a lot of them darker skinned than their collegues on Martin's street). Across the street from the building with Farn's apartment (number 540) there was a shop selling all kind of occult and voodoo stuff, which struck me as a bit out of place in this Shadow. On the other hand it may just have been a part of the cultural background of this neighbourhood.

     With some difficulty we worked our way through the stair-well, being careful not to step on any of the garbage bags strewn around the place (most of them open) or the legion of tramps lucky enough not having to sleep on the streets. There were no tramps on the gallery however, but as we reached Farn's apartment I got a very vague sense of uneasiness. I looked around but could find nothing that might cause such a feeling. Perhaps it was just my nervousness from having to break into the apartment.

     Adrian used a perfectly controlled amount of force to open the door with as little sound as was possible. We found ourselves in a small hallway leading to three rooms (bed-, bath- and livingroom). There was no one present and neither were there any signs of anyone having been there recently. We decided to take our time while thoroughly searching the apartment. The results were somewhat disappointing though. Besides all normal items like clothing and such there was a quite extensive collection of so-called erotic magazines, which made both Adrian and me a bit uncomfortable (some of the pictures were really very explicit). Adrian discovered a suitcase containing a sniper-rifle hidden under the bed. He took a small but vital part with him, thus making it useless for future investigators. The only thing that might have been worth our troubles was a small directory which I took with me to show to Martin. Perhaps he would recognise some of the names mentioned.

     It was a little past two o'clock when we left the apartment. Our attempts to stop a taxi were totally ignored yet again, until Adrian ,being brave and perhaps a bit suicidal, tried to stop one by stepping in front of it and jumping out of its way just barely in time. To my surprise this radical approach even worked. I guess the driver didn't want any bloodstains on his windshield.

     The trip to 51 street cost us $20 (this got me wondering whether each driver set his own rate or whether there was some standard rate), but was just as nerve-racking as the previous one. The neighbourhood was a bit of an embarrassing surprise for both of us: instead of the tramps we had gotten used to there were lots of scantily dressed girls parading around in the glow of the red lights shining from most of the buildings. We stood a moment in silence, not knowing where to avert our eyes. One girl seemed to think we were customers and started walking towards us. She was young, surprisingly pretty and had long beautiful hair of precisely the same colour as Suzanne.

     Ouch! Suddenly I saw Suzanne's face before me instead of this other girl. What was I doing in this miserable Shadow anyway? Not being with Suze hurt like a sharp, cold knife slicing through my soul. How clearly did I remember and long for her smile, her soft touch, her kisses. At that moment I was more than prepared to drop this whole business and head for Shadow Earth immediately.

     A soft mental tug from Wylde brought me back to the real world. With a tear in my eye I quickly turned away from the girl, who was looking at me expectantly. Fortunately Adrian had not noticed my emotional relapse; he was already looking for Torrell's apartment, constantly trying to fix his eyes on some neutral spot. Behind me the girl shrugged and turned back to her spot under the streetlight. There would probably still be other customers tonight.

     Torrell's place (number 1076) was also in an apartment building, but this one wasn't as accessible as the one where Farn had lived. You were supposed to ring the bell of the people you were going to visit so that they could let you in by means of a buzzer that would unlock the front door. A useful way of keeping the vagrants out of the building, but unfortunately it also worked against us. Well, I guess we could always try ringing Torrell's bell, but the chances of anyone being in seemed to be very small indeed. So Adrian again showed off his strenghth and we quickly entered the building before anyone would notice what we were doing. Hey, who needs any keys when you've got Adrian around?

     We ignored the elevator in favour of the stairs and quickly made our way to the apartment. As Adrian again used his trick to open the door I got the same uneasy feeling I had felt at Farn's place. Just on a hunch I concentrated and looked around with the Pattern lens, but I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary...or could I? No, it was nothing. I was probably still confused from the encounter with the girl who had reminded me of Suzanne so much and as a result I was starting to see ghosts everywhere.

     I dropped the Pattern lens again and followed Adrian into the one-room apartment. There was however quite a surprise waiting for us inside in the shape of young girl with fluffy blond hair sleeping on a couch. Judging from her attire her normal place was among the girls on the street, but she probably worked different shifts. We both stared at her for a minute and then Adrian moved forward. Before I could do anything he sat down beside her and woke her by gently placing his hand over her mouth. Well, at least she couldn't alert any neighbours that way. Not that she didn't try though, but Adrian was quite persistent that she should remain quiet. Her blue eyes flared angrily as she kept struggling in his grasp, barely missing his groin with her knee, and I couldn't help but wonder whether it wouldn't have been wiser to let sleeping dogs lie. Anyway, what's done is done and considering Adrian's strength he should at least be able to restrain her. As a matter of fact it seemed to me that the problem wasn't one of restraining her, but more one of not accidentally doing her serious harm, like breaking one of her bones. Poor Adrian. He must have felt pretty uncomfortable holding a barely dressed girl in his arms like that.

     I told the girl to be quiet; we didn't want to hurt her, we were just looking for some information. Turning on the lights I started looking around. Judging from the piles of women's clothing strewn around the place (a disproportionately large part of them being lingerie) the girl had already been living here for quite some time now. I pocketed a small pistol I found lying in one of these piles, just to be on the safe side. There was ample evidence that a man had been living in this apartment too, but I couldn't find any useful information.

     In desperation I gestured to Adrian that he should take his hand from the girl's mouth; she might be willing to talk and could give us some information on Torrell. As was to be aspected she had indeed something to say, but Torrell wasn't the first item on her list.

     "Who the hell are you and what are you doing here? Get out of here before I call the cops!"

     She was clearly bluffing; I just couldn't imagine prostitutes being on good terms with the police. Or had prostitution been legalized in this Shadow? Anyway, I was more worried by the possibility of her alarming her collegues on the street, so I decided to try a method of negotiation that had proved to be successful earlier this night: bribery. And surprise, surprise, one $100 bill and she immediately became a lot friendlier. 

     "Oh , if you had only told me earlier you needed it that badly. What would you like to know?"

     "We're looking for information on a man called Torrell," I told her.

     "John? I don't know where he is. I haven't seen him for a couple of months. Last thing I knew he was going to do a job for that creep Fox."

     "Who's Fox?"

     "Creepy guy. Short, light hair, usually wears a pair of mirrorshades. I don't like him, but John never let that bother him. He always said Fox's money was good."

     I was going to ask her more about Fox's jobs when suddenly that uneasy feeling hit me again, this time a lot stronger than before. At the same time Wylde warned me there was danger coming from the window. Apparently Adrian had also noticed something and his reactions were a lot faster than mine. He shouted to me to duck as he jumped forward and pulled the girl to the floor. I ducked aside just in time. The next moment the window was shattered and someone emptied a machinegun at the spot where we had been standing only a few seconds ago. I glanced at the window and saw a girl with long, dark brown hair, standing on the balcony with a smoking gun in her hands. She wore a leather jacket and tight fitting jeans. Before I could react Adrian was up again, firing his own gun at our unknown assailant and even managing to hit her. She lept away, starting to climb down the building from balcony to balcony and before I knew it Adrian had rushed out of the apartment after her.

     I got to my feet and immediately checked on the girl, but it seemed that Adrian's reflexes had saved her from harm. I thought it better to leave this place in case our female assassin wasn't working alone, but I didn't want to leave the girl behind. For all I knew the bullets might have been meant for her; perhaps someone was afraid of the things she could tell us. At the moment she was staring at me wide-eyed, I guess in a state of shock. I told her to quickly gather a few things she couldn't do without before we would leave. She snapped out of it and began rummaging through all the lingerie lying about. Meanwhile I carefully looked out of the window, just in time to see Adrian disappearing into an alley. I thought it strange that he hadn't caught up with our assassin yet, knowing his strength and athletic skills. No time to muse on that now, better head for safety first. Even if there were no other killers nearby, we were still in danger of being interrogated by the police, whom I suspected had immediately been alerted after our little failed St. Valentine's Day's Massacre here.

     I turned away from the window just as the girl stuffed the last few items into a big shoulder-bag. I handed her back the pistol I had found earlier, feeling that she should have a way of defending herself. I didn't think she would use it on me, not after she had just been saved from certain death by us. We left the apartment and moved downstairs. On the street I asked her whether she knew any place nearby where we could wait for Adrian to return. She pointed at a bar across the street and said she would ask the others girls to look out for my friend. At least Adrian would be easily recognisable.

     The bar was hot and the air inside was thick with smoke. We found two empty chairs and I ordered us some drinks. To pass the time I started up a conversation and learned that the girl's name was Lush. She told me that she and John had been living together for some time now, but I got the feeling that it was more a matter of convenience, as they didn't seem to be very close. I steered the conversation to the more neutral subject of music, feeling a little uneasy about having to tell her that John was dead. As we talked I got the impression that she was in fact a couple of years younger than I had first thought she was. She was very cynical though, which helped to strengthen her older image. She must have had a hard life so far. At least I couldn't imagine her taking up this line of work of her own free will. Given another chance she might have become a totally different person. But then again, so might I...

     We spent almost an hour chatting without any word from Adrian. Finally I excused myself and went to the men's room where I could safely use Adrian's Trump. Luckily contact came quickly. He was standing underneath a bridge near the outlet of a big sewage-tube. He said he had lost the girl, but had gained some valuable information from a peculiar old man who was fishing there on the river. He started explaining, but to me it just seemed a whole lot of nonsense about fishes. He said he wanted to talk to the old man a bit further before returning (probably to get some more fishing tales) and I told him I was heading back to Martin's place. I confess that when we broke contact I was beginning to doubt Adrian's sanity somewhat. Oh well, perhaps he would still learn something useful.

     I told Lush that we would go to a friend's place to spend the rest of the night there. It was okay by her, but as we walked to Martin's apartment she asked me whether I wanted anything else for the $100 I had given her, since it seemed an awful lot of money for the little information she had given us. I gracefully declined though, once again pushing back thoughts of Suzanne. Lush gave me such a peculiar look though, that I decided to tell her what had happened to John. Hell, she had to find out sooner or later. She didn't take it too badly though, even when I told her that the hit in the apartment might have been aimed at her. She might be young, but she certainly could be tough.

     All the others except for Adrian were already back at the apartment. I introduced Lush and while she started looking through Martin's liquor collection I quickly told them all that had happened. Their night had been pretty quiet and they said they hadn't learned anything useful. The only interesting thing was that Murlas had seen a man of Fox's description leaving the Myrone building. Coincidence?

     Instead of waiting up for Adrian I decided to try and get some sleep. I had only just dozed off when I woke again: my partner had returned to be greeted by Lush, who by that time was more than a little drunk. Embarrassed he disentangled himself from her arms and started telling us of how he had tried to catch the assassin, but that she had been just a little too fast and cunning for him. The trail had ended under that bridge where the girl had fled into the sewers. Adrian had however learned a few things from the old man (the one with the fishes). The girl's name was Lisa and the old man had seen her using these sewers on several occasions; according to him she used them to get into the Myrone building. This seemed to be too much of a coincidence to me. There was more, but sleep overpowered me and I missed the final part.

     After another dreamless night I awoke to the sight of Lush lying in Adrian's arms. A touching scene, but I also felt a little jealous. I wondered what Suzanne was doing. I hope she was thinking of me just as I was thinking of her. Ah, cruel, cruel fate! Remember: Duty, Dorian, Duty...

     When Adrian woke he became quite embarrassed and immediately started saying that nothing had happened, that he had done nothing but sleep all night. Lush just smiled and started looking for something to eat. While we were having our breakfast we discussed the happenings of the previous night and Adrian repeated his story. Lisa didn't sound very familiar to Martin, but Lush remembered seeing a girl of that description accompanying Fox on one occasion or another. Yet another coincidence!

     Adrian told us that the old man had offered to show him another way into the Myrone building, namely by boat. According to him the people in the building weren't aware of that route. Adrian had arranged to meet him again under the bridge tonight, so we could all come along. This plan seemed to have everyone's approval. It did mean however that we would have to spend another afternoon waiting... 

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