Chapter 014: Choices


"Goddess in my garden

Sister in my soul

Angel in my armor

Actress in my role


Daughter of a demon-lover

Empress of the hidden face

Priestess of the pagan mother

Ancient queen of inner space"


"Animate" - Rush


     I fumbled through my Trumps until I finally found the one I was looking for. Concentrate...Nothing. Damn! Now how was I supposed to warn Algo that he should be expecting company real soon?

      Only one other way, I guess. I walked up and down for a minute or two until another black cat joined us. She and Wylde took an instant liking to each other; I didn't know how fast to finish my letter to Algo and send the beast on its way to him. In but a few words I told him that Violet had a sister who was on her way towards his Shadow. From the way she disappeared from under our noses I guessed that she would probably already be in Telgan, but this way Algo at least couldn't say that I had not tried to warn him. He would be pleased with her company, I'm sure...

     I tied the note to the cat's collar and then sent her off towards Telgan. No way she's was going to reach Algo in time, but at least it was something. I shrugged at Diana, mounted again and we resumed our journey.

     I easily found my way back to Wittebrugh, being a Shadow not all that far from Amber. The town looked as bit larger than it had when we first came here, but of course that was because of the really fast timeflow in this Shadow. I did notice, though, that the time didn't go as fast as it had before; it was somehow reverting to its old rate. Apparently one had to keep concentrating on it for something like that to become permanent.

     I started looking for a trace and soon found both one of Suzanne and one of the Power I had also found in her bedroom on Shadow Earth. However, they took off in opposite directions. After only a moment of hesitation I headed into Suzanne's direction. No matter what, I wanted to find her before going after her kidnapper(s).

     As we followed her trail the Shadows around us became more and more exotic, casual and untamed. The creatures we encountered remained humanoid, but their skin first took on darker and then even completely different colours. I suddenly felt that we needed more flowers on our trail. Accordingly the flora became more colourful. Also quite a bit lusher.

     The temperature started to rise too, causing me to shift our clothes to airier fabrics. By that time our horses had changed into camel-like creatures with big parasols strapped on their backs to shade us from the sun. The air became drier and the scenery shifted from a tropical jungle to a savanna. In the distance I could see some yellow and blue striped creatures, which looked somewhat like zebras. Our guide, an eight foot tall, bald man with a bright red skin, had his spear ready, but we didn't really get near them. Our porters all looked a lot like him, although they weren't quite as tall as he was.

     Meanwhile the temperature kept rising and both Diana and I began to tire somewhat. A small oasis provided us with the perfect spot for a short break. We filled our waterbottles and Diana even spent a few minutes paddling in the crystal clear water.

     As soon as we continued our journey the air became more humid and the temperature dropped to a more tolerable level. I had a very good feeling about this: we were getting near the end! In the distance we could see a lot of small white houses with a lot of bright coloured objects that could only be flowers. We could also smell the saltish smell of sea air: this just had to be a port. Our camels had shifted back to horses and we had lost our guide and porters somewhere after the oasis, but that didn't matter. I had a strong feeling that this city might be our destination.

     It was a really busy port, filled with happy looking people who resembled humans but for their pointed ears and olive coloured skins. They were all dressed either in white or in very bright colours. The women all tended to wear their black or dark green hair quite long. Some people regarded us with a bit of curiosity, but I could detect no signs of hostility.

     Passing through those busy streets I tried to do the same thing as I had in Wittebrugh, that is concentrate and try to locate an irregularity, something that was not of this Shadow. I concentrated and concentrated, and for a moment I caught a glimpse of something, but it was too brief for me to be able to pinpoint it. I resolved to find a place to stay first and have something to eat before trying again. Now that we were so close I didn't think we would lose the trail anymore.

     I asked a passer-by whether he could point us towards a reasonably good inn. He smiled and told us that his cousin ran an inn not far from there, and that he would gladly lead us there personally. Tofeh (that was the man's name) spoke a strange sort of Thari dialect which was common here. After a while I found it to be really irritating, but for all practical purposes we somehow managed to understand each other.

     The inn of cousin Orboh was indeed close by and it did look quite good. As I booked two separate rooms I thought that just for a moment I saw a look of disappointment cross Diana's face. Nah, it couldn't be. And I shouldn't be thinking about things like that right now...

     After paying the innkeeper in advance (two nights, including breakfast - extremely cheap, but then money is never a problem) he had a young girl by the name of Fridah take us to our rooms. Fridah looked about thirteen years old and had long green hair which didn't allow itself to be caught in any particular hairdo; little tufts of green hair stood out in every direction. The most remarkable thing, however, was not the girl's hair, but her clothing, or lack thereof to be more precisely. The only thing she wore was a brightly coloured skirt and not much else. And I could clearly see that she wasn't a little girl anymore! I guess this was a quite usual style of dress in this Shadow, but I wasn't used to this sort of thing, at least not in public. I blushed a little and glanced at Diana. She was busy taking great pains to find interesting things to keep her attention fixed upon, so she didn't to have to look at the girl. We hurried to our rooms and dismissed Friedah as soon as possible.

     The rooms were quite pleasant with a beautiful view of the harbour. They were remarkably clean, lacking only a good plumbing system. Pity, I could have used a nice shower to freshen up; now I had to be content with a simple jug of water. Oh well, you can't have it all...

     About half an hour later I picked up Diana to look for some sort of restaurant. The regular meals in this Shadow consisted of lots of fruit, fish and small pancakes. The food was all rather spicy and we required several glasses of fresh juice to help it go down. In the course of our meal I explained to Diana that I felt that Suzanne had to be in this city. I wanted to start looking for her next morning, first taking some time to rest and get my powers back up to their full capacities; I told her that it would take a great deal of effort to find anyone in this place and that I would certainly need her help in this.

     "Of course I'll help," she said with a sincere smile. Then her expression turned more contemplative and she continued: "Exactly what kind of person is Suzanne? Does she usually stay up late at night or does she live by regular hours?"

     "Hmm, I can see your point. Suze is indeed one for the small hours, so it might be a good idea to start looking right away."

     Diana nodded her agreement. For a moment I wondered at her willingness to help me. She didn't really owe me for anything, at least not in my opinion, and I might be wrong, but it did seem to me as if it went a bit further than normal feelings of friendship. Was this an objective view, however, or did my own feelings come into play here?

     Stupid question, really. Of course my own feelings played a role in it, but I really shouldn't let it distract me right now. First find Suze, then start worrying about other things again.

     Diana and I found ourselves a quiet spot right by the seaside where we could sit undisturbed. I first asked Wylde to keep an eye open for trouble while we were searching, and then Diana and I both started concentrating on the Pattern. As soon as it was up before my eyes I carefully began establishing a link between our two minds, more or less in the same way as Murlas and I had done when we had had to fight that harpy. However, that link had been a sudden and haphazard affair, which I felt had only worked because of our mutual immediate objective, that is to get rid of that beast that was about to eat us. As a matter of fact we had linked while we were already in the process of attacking the beast, so this was indeed quite different.

     Different, yes, and both harder and easier. Harder because Diana's psychic power wasn't nearly as strong as Murlas' had been, and easier because in a certain way she felt a lot closer than Murlas had felt. This wasn't just a link born out of necessity, this was something she wanted to do. She wanted to help and didn't hold anything back. I felt somewhat moved by her trust and friendship; this was something I would not forget! Slowly but surely I proceeded to make the link as efficient as possible before reaching out, looking for any sign that might lead to Suzanne.

     As I/we started searching it grew dark around me/us. In this darkness I/we could faintly hear a tune which grew louder as I/we focused my/our attention on it. It was a song filled with loneliness. I realised that I had heard it before: it was one of the first songs Suzanne had written and she had sung it the first time that I had seen her. It didn't entirely sound the same, though, for the song I/we was/were hearing was being played with different instruments, all acoustic, as if someone was doing an Unplugged version. But then of course there weren't any electrical instruments in this Shadow.

     As I/we were listening to the song I noticed something odd: aside from Diana and me in our linked form and the song itself (Suzanne?) there seemed to be a third (or rather, a fourth) presence. It seemed to be somewhere near, possibly in the city, but it wasn't in the same place as the song. Weird! As I/we tried to focus on it the darkness suddenly receded from me. Not us, I felt. The link was still there, but somehow I was seeing this thing on my own.

     I stood in the middle of a circle of figures, which as a closer look told me all appeared to be women. There were six of them and beyond them there was only darkness. It was as if we were all caught in a spotlight from above, which was centred on me. I couldn't see any faces, but each of them was dressed in a distinct colour. The first of them, standing directly in front of me, was dressed in scarlet. She didn't face me, but was standing so that I was looking at her profile. The second one stood to my right and in front of me. She wore black and was turned away from me. The third, to my right and behind me, was dressed in green and was the first to fully face me. The fourth, directly behind me, wore blue and was facing me too. The fifth, to my left and behind me, was dressed in brown and was showing me her profile. Finally, the sixth and last one, to my left and in front of me, wore orange and was turned away from me.

 Red, Profile

 Orange, Away     |     Black, Away

 \     |     /

 \  |  /


 /  |  \

 /     |     \

 Brown, Profile     |     Green, Faced

 Blue, Faced

      What was I doing here? And who were all these women? I glanced down to ascertain that I was really myself and not someone else. I was. So this was probably a personal vision. Again I tried to discern some of women's faces, but I just couldn't see them clearly. I tried to move closer to one of them, but although I felt I was moving I couldn't get closer to her. The distance didn't really seem to be physical. Meanwhile all the women remained static, as if they were all waiting for me to take some action.

     What kind of state was this? Was this something natural which I had stumbled upon on my psychic search or was it something that had been set up by someone else? My Family sense of paranoia suggested that the latter case was more probable. There's no such thing as coincidence, remember? So what was the meaning of all this? What was I supposed to do here? Since this was a personal thing, it was reasonable to assume that I knew all these women. At least, this seemed to me to be a reasonable assumption.

     My link with Diana was still there, I could feel it was, and by reaching out to her I noticed that she was in this little scene as well! I turned around; although I still couldn't see her face I was certain that the lady in blue was in fact Diana. I felt that she was very close to me, not physically, for the women all seemed to be at an equal distance from me, but more in a mental or emotional way. I compared this to the others around me.

     The lady in green was also reasonable close and she seemed to be rather familiar. Could this be Aunt Fiona? Could be, provided we were to accept my assumption that they represented people that I knew. Fiona's colours were green, with lavender and purple, but I was also reminded of her sparkling green eyes. And she was favourably disposed to me, at least that was the idea I had got from her behaviour towards me. This might be reflected in the way the lady in green was facing me. Just like Diana, I mean the lady in blue, was. And I knew that she truly was on my side.

     The lady in orange seemed to be the most remote of them all. She also didn't seem to be very familiar. No real sense in trying to guess who she was then. She might be someone whom I had not yet met, but who had perhaps been meddling in my affairs. Or perhaps she wasn't important as yet, but she would become so in the near future. Ah, this was all guesswork, no real hard evidence to base my theories on. I wondered why she was facing away from me, though. Was she to be my enemy?

     From the lady in brown I got a very mixed reading: she was close to me and faraway at the same time. Very strange indeed! She didn't seem very familiar either, so your guess is as good as mine. Although, brown, brown... Sand had worn brown, hadn't she? Perhaps...?

     The lady in black was faraway. She was not familiar, yet at the same time in some strange way she was. I felt a shiver go down my spine. There was only one lady in Amber who had worn black. Could this mean that she was alive after all? Or was this just some trick on the part of the person who had set this all up? Could it be? Mother...?

     With difficulty I focused my attention on the last figure, the lady in red. Music! The same song I had heard before! This had to be Suzanne. I noticed, though, that her presence was far weaker than that of the others. Never mind that, I had set out to find her and find her I would. I began reaching out to her with my mind. As I did the music grew louder. While she turned to face me the others faded from view. Then the entire vision faded and I found myself back in my own body looking out over the calm ocean.

     I blinked my eyes a few times, trying to find my bearings. The transition from my trance-like state had been rather abrupt. As my head cleared, however, I scrambled to my feet, a shout of joy rising up from deep inside of me: I found that I now knew precisely where to find Suzanne. I turned to Diana and my shout of joy immediately died upon my lips. Diana had not emerged from our mind-link.

     Immediately I started concentrating and I quickly retrieved her wandering spirit. Without me she appeared to be completely lost. Carefully I re-established contact and guided her back to her own body. For a few moments she was totally dazed and confused. 

     "Wha..what happened?" she asked in a frightened voice.

     "I don't know precisely," I replied. "I have a feeling that we more or less got caught up in things. At least we managed to get out of it unharmed. And I do know where to find Suzanne now! Come!"

     Both Diana and Wylde hurried after me as I started running through the streets towards my certain destination. As we came closer and closer I could hear the music again growing louder and louder. It came from a large cafe-like building full of people. Inside my attention was immediately drawn towards the stage. There she was: her ears appeared to be a little more pointy and her tan had shifted a couple of shades more into the olive range, but her hair was still a burning red flame. Suzanne. Finally!

     "Well?" Diana asked following my gaze.

     "Yes," I whispered, "that's her..."

     I just couldn't do anything but watch until Suze had finished her performance. When she had left the stage I bribed the bouncers and headed backstage. Without too much trouble I found Suze's room and knocked. Trembling I entered, with Diana and Wylde in my wake.

     Suze looked up from her make-up table and immediately dropped the brush she was holding. "Dorian," she breathed, looking totally dumbfounded. She even spoke with the same annoying accent as all the other people in this city. Then she got a grip on herself. "Well, you certainly took your time finding me, didn't you? And who is that?" She pointed at Diana with an air of jealousy.

     "She's only my cousin Diana, Suze," I tried to placate her. "She has helped me in my search for you. Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you, you know. How in the world did you get to this place?"

     "Well, you should know, shouldn't you," she said sullenly. "I mean it's your family, isn't it?"

     "What do you mean, my Family? Who was it? What did he look like?"

     She sighed an looked away. "I don't know. I never saw any faces." Then she looked up again, straight at me, and said: "You'd better start looking for our son..."

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